Open Access Policy

At the Xpertno Open Access Books Directory, we are committed to the principles of open access in publishing. Our policy ensures that all the literary and academic works in our directory are freely accessible, enabling the widest possible dissemination of knowledge.

  1. Free Access to All
  • All books and writings in our directory are available for free to any user with internet access.
  • There are no subscription fees, paywalls, or any form of access charge for readers.
  1. Author Rights
  • Authors retain the copyright to their work but grant Xpertno the non-exclusive right to distribute their work under an open license.
  • This approach allows authors to maintain ownership while maximizing the reach and impact of their work.
  1. Broad Dissemination
  • Our open-access model is designed to maximize the visibility and impact of authors' work, reaching a global audience.
  • We actively promote the works in our directory through various channels to ensure they reach as many readers as possible.
  1. Licensing
  • Works published in our directory are typically released under Creative Commons licenses, which support open and fair use while giving credit to the authors.

Our Open Access Policy is rooted in the belief that knowledge should be a shared and accessible resource for all. By removing barriers to access, we aim to foster a global community of learning, innovation, and collaboration. The Xpertno Open Access Books Directory is proud to be a part of the open access movement, contributing to the democratization of knowledge worldwide.