Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit to the directory. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected. An editor may reject a submission if it does not meet the minimum standards of quality set above.

Before submitting, authors are responsible for ensuring all of the following criteria and preparations are met:

  1. Submission Criteria:
  • Language: We accept submissions exclusively in Urdu and English.
  • Originality: Your work must be original and not previously published elsewhere. If previously published, it must be republished with us.
  1. Scope

Submissions should align with our focus areas: literary writing (including Poetry Books, Novels, Drama, Fiction, Non-fiction, etc.) and academic books/research.

  1. Book Manuscript Preparation:
  • Literary Writing Book Page Size & Margins: A5 with normal margins.
  • Academic Writing Book Page Size: A5 or A4 with normal margins.
  • Formatting: Manuscripts should be neatly formatted in MS Word (2009 or higher), using 12-point Times New Roman font. Bold all headings.
  • Length: There are no specific length limitations for your submission category, but books should contain a minimum of 10,000 words.
  • Title Page: Include a title page with the title and subtitle (if any) of your work, author name(s), and affiliations.
  • Pagination: Do not add page numbers or section breaks to your manuscripts.
  • Proofreading, Editing, and Designing: Authors are responsible for proofreading and designing their manuscripts. Professional services are available for hire, including our in-house service at a minimal cost.

Required Files:

  • Submit one MS Word file and one PDF version of the MS Word file.
  • Include book front and back cover designs.


  1. Plagiarism Policy:

We uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. If a work is found to contain plagiarized content, it will be immediately rejected. Furthermore, authors found to have submitted plagiarized material will face strict consequences, including a ban from future submissions and inclusion in our blacklist. 

  1. Revision and Publication Charges:

Initial Editorial Board Revision: Upon submission, your work will first be reviewed by our editorial board. If the manuscript requires revision at this stage, authors must make the necessary changes without incurring any charges. This is a crucial step to prepare your work for the peer review process.

  1. Peer Review Revision

After passing the initial editorial board review, your work will undergo a peer review. Similar to the editorial board revision, if only one round of revision is required based on the peer reviewers’ feedback, no publication charges will be applied.

Subsequent Revisions for Both Stages: If your work requires further revisions beyond the first round of either editorial board or peer review feedback, a charge of PKR 2000 will be applied for each additional revision. This fee is to cover the extra resources required for multiple rounds of review and processing.

Note on Revisions: We advise authors to carefully address all feedback in their initial revisions (both editorial board and peer review) to avoid these additional charges. Our aim is to uphold the highest standards of quality in published works, while ensuring a fair and efficient review process.

Submission Process:

  • Submissions should be made through our online platform. Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.
  • Include any necessary supplementary materials or references with your submission.

After Submission

  • You will receive an acknowledgment of your submission.
  • The review and publication process may take several weeks; we appreciate your patience.
