Welcome to the Xpertno Open Access Books Directory, a pioneering initiative under the Expert Novice Group. Our directory is a vibrant hub for disseminating and exploring a vast array of open-access literary and academic writings. We are dedicated to providing a platform that bridges the gap between readers and high-quality, freely accessible content. Our mission is to create a dynamic, global platform where literary and academic writings are not only freely accessible but also celebrated and widely disseminated. We aim to connect authors with a diverse international audience, providing a stage for their works to gain recognition and impact.


The Xpertno Open Access Books Directory is dedicated to encompassing a broad spectrum of works, ranging from academic research to creative literary expressions. Our scope includes:

  1. Diverse Literary Forms: Including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, novels, essays, philosophy, and more, catering to a wide range of literary tastes and preferences.
  2. Academic and Scholarly Works: Encompassing research books, essays, case studies, and academic texts across various disciplines.


  • Encourage Scholarly and Literary Contributions: To create an inclusive space that encourages authors from various disciplines and literary backgrounds to share their work.
  • Global Reach for Authors: To extend the reach of authors' works globally, ensuring their ideas and stories resonate across different cultures and regions.
  • Recognition and Visibility: To provide authors with a platform that amplifies their voice and work, giving them the recognition they deserve in the global community.
  • Promote Open Access: To champion the open access movement by providing unrestricted access to a wide range of books and fostering a culture of free knowledge sharing.
  • Encourage Diverse Contributions: To attract contributions from a variety of disciplines and literary backgrounds, embrace diversity in content and perspective.
  • Maintain High-Quality Standards: To uphold academic and literary excellence through a robust single-blind peer review process.

Publication Model

  • Global Distribution: With a focus on reaching an international audience, we ensure that each work published is accessible to readers around the world.
  • Quarterly Publications: Our directory is updated quarterly, keeping the flow of new content dynamic and continuous.
  • Single-Blind Peer Review: We adhere to a single-blind peer review process, striking a balance between fair assessment and author confidentiality.
  • No Barriers to Access: As part of our commitment to open access, all content is available without any subscription fees or access restrictions.
  • Author Empowerment: We actively work to promote our authors and their works, using various platforms and channels to enhance their visibility.

At the Xpertno Open Access Books Directory, we are not just sharing content; we are building bridges between authors and readers around the globe. We celebrate the diversity of thoughts and narratives, aiming to elevate the voices of our contributors and spread their ideas far and wide. Join us in this journey of literary and academic exploration, where every story and discovery finds its audience.